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You think this is true? Or is he just bad




See, he early rushed me by planting his 2 barracks at my base and just massed bunkers and marines, but failed to protect his own base, not expanding either, is he bad or is his statement true?


Obviously he is a moron, all the races have their strong points, just most don't know how to play them. He' just a nerd raging.


Terran is easily the strongest/easiest race. If you disagree, you should quit sc2.


Oh really? o.O

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I agree with d3n, whenever play against terran 1v1, i usually lose, i think its just because terran has to many counters against everything, vikings > air, siege tanks > infantry, etc. or maybe i just dont know how to beat those things

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I agree with d3n, whenever play against terran 1v1, i usually lose, i think its just because terran has to many counters against everything, vikings > air, siege tanks > infantry, etc. or maybe i just dont know how to beat those things


Zerg is the hardest race to play. You are probably just bad, no offense.

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I have all sorts of terran hate as a zerg player. Mostly stemming from the fact that terran literally throws "what counters what" at you in the weapon description.


One thor completely shuts down mutas where ever it decides to sit. Two thors attacking with an army just makes it so that your muta population is taking up space.

Siege tanks in siege mode destroys zerglings and to an extent hydra. Roaches take 3 shots from siege tanks, but the 1 armor 2 food nerf makes them so weak.

MMM is mostly attack move into stim pack. Micro consists of medivac movement and doing marauder slow micro for falling back.


Infestors counter both thors and siege tanks via mind control and can put a large amount of pressure on MMM with fungal growth.

If you want to counter thors or siege tanks, you have to

A. Not have them focus fired while moving into position. Mostly through burrow.

B. Have neural parasite researched.

C. Micro and guard them.


While I'm all for micro, the amount of effort a zerg must take to use infestors like that is pretty big, and even then it's mostly countered by right clicking teh bad guise.


Another strategy against MMM is burrowing banelings, who can explode while burrowed. This can be manually used, or unburrow maybe turned to autocast, which will be used as soon as an enemy unit is within range of the burrowed baneling. This concept is extremely similar to vulture mines, except that unburrow takes a full 2 seconds before the baneling can move. In theory, this means that the baneling will do reduced damage to an attack moving army composed of ranged units(every terran unit) because the aoe will not be point blank. So at this strategy's best, you must manually activate each explosion while the enemy is above the baneling.


This leaves ultras and broodlords. Ultras are usually called the useless unit, with the uselessness coming mostly from the high cost of ultras. Similar units are colossus and thors, but both of those are ranged units. Ultras also require that you get to tier 3, which takes a while if your enemy is doing absolutely anything at all. They DO devastate a terran army if they can get in range.


Broodlords are on the in the same boat. They do alot of damage, but take forever to get and are costly. Vikings counter them heavily though. It just seems silly that you need to get to tier 3 units in order to have a straight power advantage over a terran.


TL;DR the amount of micro a zerg must put forth to force the terran to respond is far more than a terran must exert.

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I have all sorts of terran hate as a zerg player. Mostly stemming from the fact that terran literally throws "what counters what" at you in the weapon description.


One thor completely shuts down mutas where ever it decides to sit. Two thors attacking with an army just makes it so that your muta population is taking up space.

Siege tanks in siege mode destroys zerglings and to an extent hydra. Roaches take 3 shots from siege tanks, but the 1 armor 2 food nerf makes them so weak.

MMM is mostly attack move into stim pack. Micro consists of medivac movement and doing marauder slow micro for falling back.


Infestors counter both thors and siege tanks via mind control and can put a large amount of pressure on MMM with fungal growth.

If you want to counter thors or siege tanks, you have to

A. Not have them focus fired while moving into position. Mostly through burrow.

B. Have neural parasite researched.

C. Micro and guard them.


While I'm all for micro, the amount of effort a zerg must take to use infestors like that is pretty big, and even then it's mostly countered by right clicking teh bad guise.


Another strategy against MMM is burrowing banelings, who can explode while burrowed. This can be manually used, or unburrow maybe turned to autocast, which will be used as soon as an enemy unit is within range of the burrowed baneling. This concept is extremely similar to vulture mines, except that unburrow takes a full 2 seconds before the baneling can move. In theory, this means that the baneling will do reduced damage to an attack moving army composed of ranged units(every terran unit) because the aoe will not be point blank. So at this strategy's best, you must manually activate each explosion while the enemy is above the baneling.


This leaves ultras and broodlords. Ultras are usually called the useless unit, with the uselessness coming mostly from the high cost of ultras. Similar units are colossus and thors, but both of those are ranged units. Ultras also require that you get to tier 3, which takes a while if your enemy is doing absolutely anything at all. They DO devastate a terran army if they can get in range.


Broodlords are on the in the same boat. They do alot of damage, but take forever to get and are costly. Vikings counter them heavily though. It just seems silly that you need to get to tier 3 units in order to have a straight power advantage over a terran.


TL;DR the amount of micro a zerg must put forth to force the terran to respond is far more than a terran must exert.


^^ this

oh and i didnt know that banelings could explode when burrowed o.o that should be useful

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