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unbann request


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Ingame name: NickAKAthePwn3r

Server you were banned on: All servers

Banning Admin: according to your global ban list thing it was Crosshairs.

Steam_ID: STEAM_0:0:23412765

Reason for ban: again according to your global ban list and im going to go ahead and quote it "AG noob came into JB mass freekilling." I have many problems with this ban as for 1 when that ban was issued i had not even been on steam for a while during and around that time except to play eve as i was at my dads at the time, second when i freekilled which was not in mass and by accident i slayed my self direclty afterword, Thirdly there are to names on the block list that i dont recongnize some dude with a |ofoo25 in his name, Thirdly i have tried looking for my abuse report or ban request or what iwas supposed to be looking for and i have come to no avail. Some please explain whats going on at the very least thank you. Sorry if it an eye sore to read.

Link to the ban list thing:


Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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1. Responsible for your own account and I don't believe you.


I have many problems with this ban as for 1 when that ban was issued i had not even been on steam for a while during and around that time except to play eve as i was at my dads at the time, second when i freekilled which was not in mass and by accident i slayed my self direclty afterword


2. You said you weren't playing in the server yet you admit you were playing and freekilled then slayed yourself?


3. There was a player in the server as lofoo25 then you changed your name to |oofoo25 to do the mass kill and avoid a quick ban.


4. I will only mention why I affiliated you with AG to fellow Staff.



So far we're off to a cute start!

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ok dude im serious i was not on during that and i have NEVER EVER changed my name to offfaa loofa whatever the hell that is. im serious dude ask my friends or whaetever i was not ANY IN CSS servers during my trip in wisconsin ok dude. what i said was when ever i killed in the server and i was wrong PERIOD i simply slayed my self and it was story over I do not mass free kill ok i dont know who the hell that guy is i dont even know if i was on my laptop that day. and what i said was only times i was on was for EVE online i can show you my friggen flight ticket info if you want (i think). I am not a freekilling F*cktard. I dont have a beef with you fyi im just irritated at the fact that i am banned for something that i have never done, and i seriously doubt i was hacked as the pass was NOT changed and i still have all my shit. Maybe he was a non-steamer or something or had a steam id changer. But i can honestly say i did not do what i am accused of.


*edit* also please show where it name switched becaause i just read the text of what that dillhole said and i don't remember that moment

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Right I understand tht. And I'm pretty sure its to force you to take responsibility, regerdless if you were hacked. But it was my understanding, that you atlleast nedded a demo or something for a permma ban and tht freekilling wasn't a perma ban....... I realllly do wanna see what some dickhole was doing parading around my namee was doing and what the mass free kill entailed. I'm honestly not suprised in your disbelief though, as I'm pretty sure you guys get dillholes who break the rules and then play the "ooh I was haxed xard". I'm also curious to the witnesses to this as I sincerly can't believe this

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  • 2 weeks later...
ok dude im serious i was not on during that and i have NEVER EVER changed my name to offfaa loofa whatever the hell that is.


*edit* also please show where it name switched becaause i just read the text of what that dillhole said and i don't remember that moment


SourceBans says otherwise


If you want proof: here is your proof




I don't know exactly what Staff has in mind so please wait...

Edited by enigma#
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