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What can I do for the community?


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Crosshair: Ok, now bend over! :P


In all seriousness, here is a fail list of items I thought up that might be considered contributing to the community.



Financial Contributions

  1. Donating Money - The HG warmachine requires funds to run a server empire the size of Rome, five dollars wouldn't be too much to help out with the bills?
  2. Buying a VIP package - Paying for benefits.
  3. Purchasing Admin - Do you know the server rules like the back of your hand? Are you mentally capable of handling the responsibilities of admin? Does injustice in the servers piss you off. If so, then this might be for you.

This is what I could think of of the top of my head. Hopefully, this provides some ideas. Any other ideas you have I could add to ma list.


Read this...

MONEY is a good way to express your love or simple appreciation for this community, but what if you can afford to donate? (like me), I created this thread so I can know what can i do for the community instead of a donation i can offer my time to do something, let me/we/us/they know what can me/we/us/they do so they feel useful even if me/we/us/they can't donate.



[HG] **RoY**


P.S.: Post ITT if you feel me... lol...






1.- i am active in the community

2.- i am helpful and friendly

3.- i had admin on tf2 and wcs server and lost it after the update, dunno about tf2 i think i should still have it

4.- i do reports, but last time i played DM was like long ago b/c i dont have that much time free, i mostly play jb...



1.- i sent several maps long time ago to hg staff so they might be included in the server...


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