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Homer's 21st

Guest Crothers

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Guest Crothers

So for all you who don't know (which I assume is everyone) it was HT|Homer's 21st birthday today...


Oh shit you shoulda been there-



So we start the night off and Mike decided to buy some case of shitty ass beer from Mexico or somethin, and a single beer which was labeled "Bourbon" beer.... 16 beers later we head to TGIF fridays..


We start out with a "stoplight" for those who dont know what that is its a green, yellow, and red shot lineup of shit I dont even know what it is.




So there was the green light (since green means go right?)




Then there was the yellow light which means slow down (yea right? on your 21st? noooo)




Then there was the redlight, normally this means stop, but we lost sight of that fact and kept getting him plowed.




Well also I forgot to mention there was a drink before this, but I didn't think to use the camera... fail.


After we got through those drinks we got him this thing where you drop the shot glass into the beer. I was laughing to hard to remember these names so once again. fail.




Now were getting "fuzzy", I believe the exact quote was "Alex why are you blurry". Which led us into yet another drink.


Now he has some southern comfort thingy with juice. I have no idea once again.



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Guest Crothers

Now this time his sister was busy in the bathroom pissing and overheard some girls talking, which led her to think "Hmm while I'm sitting here pissing, I should ask these girls if they wanna get my brother a drink and take pictures".


The girls being amazing sluts with big boobs decided "sure we'll do it"








After these drinks, we sure weren't finished.. but first we took a group shot.




Then we continued to pour more alcohal down his throat, with the help of our smokin hot waitress.




By this time, he can no longer walk in a straight line, see 3 feet in front of his face or articulate his thoughts into spoken word. Time to tease him with the empty glasses.




Then we got into the car (we were sober FYI don't drink and drive k) and his sister got lost in the parking lot for about 10 minutes (empty parking lot at 1am). He then went to am/pm and got another beer and we headed home.


Then we played the peer preasure game and got him to smoke a cig!!!!




and now he's passed out.


Some memorable quotes-

"Alex why are you blurry"

"I can't feel my face"

"Your lost, let me drive"

"Lets go to the titty bar" (We went but they were closed :( )

"Whats funny is I didn't feel that" (After alex smacked him in the head with a beer label)

"Now I'm cool like you guys" (When he was smoking)



Some important things to remember kids!


Smoking is bad, it doesn't make you cool.

Drinking kills more people each year then aids.

Drinking and driving is bad. Don't do it.


Oh, and he didn't puke GG

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Try Ouzo Homer it's way better than beer (peer pressure FtW!). That's a great way to party though get the waitress to get him to slam a couple down. By the Way It's Saint PATRICK'S day!!!! So Back To drinking your green ale, whiskey, rum, vodka, and whatever else makes you happy... (Irish Cream is the true winner)

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