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It took me a while to find it...but i found our last years show ^.^ if any of you are somewhat interested in it you can watch the 9:30 video.


Also, if you pause at 0:30, im the Tuba player farthest to the right



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you are both nerds and gay...


Why the fuck would you say that.

Band members put in more work and sweat in 3 months than most HS football players put in a year.

Not to mention band is a year round thing and not just a semester like football.

So before you go calling people nerds and gay for what they love to do. Do us all a fucking favor and shove a stick up your ass. :mad:


Nice job Ratty and Mike. Sounds and looks great.

If I had stuck with music after high school I probably could've gotten into DCI Corps.

Nonetheless, I still love watching them whenever they come to town.

Edited by Cefdinir
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For the past 3 weeks, i had to get up at 6, go to practice at 7 outside all day and not get home till dark which is about 8:30-9pm. So far there has been no rain, the heat index is over 100 and its been between 90 and 100 degrees almost every day. I play sousa so it makes it that much harder for me. and also, dont go judging people about band until you have actually been in it yourself.

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lol badass post. and well said cef. :]


forget marching season right now..


here's some clips of the steel band i was 2 years ago (my senior year):



In the Conga Line



Clocks by Coldplay (ignore my ex on the bottom right. x___x)


forgive the poor quality.







oh...and for a funny video.. As an upperclassmen squadleader for the saxophones, I got to get on the podium and to my little irish jig while the flutes and piccolos played their little solos. This is me last year when I came back to visit.




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Since when was football only one semester? I don't know what school y'all went to...


Regardless, marching band has its own unique challenges and anyone that thinks otherwise is stupid or ignorant.


I agree with both these statements.


Good job!

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Loading crew was where it was at too. Having to move all everything from the pit to the tuba to the brass and saxes. You got a work out there


haha try being the tuba play while the loading crew is screaming at you to pack up your instrument asap >.<

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