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Banned by Lazarus(Abuser)


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So yea, I was just pretty much playing like everyone else, Ts were speaking over CTs non stop, kept telling someone to mute Ts so CTs could be heard, and then it ended up every T killed every CT because orders could not be heard. Next round starts, I say, "fail admins are fail" not directed at anyone specficially and then I get kicked. I rejoin, and say "cool abuse kick bro" and then I pretty much got banned after that by lazarus after he was disrespecting me. Yea, sounds real fair to me. I would like an unban please.

Edited by Doobie
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cough cough use template

1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident:


Sorry, new to the site. Ok lemme try this.


1. Abuser name: Lazarus

2. Their Steam Id: Don't know

3. What server: [HG] Jailbreak #1

4. About what time:10 p.m.

5. PROOF: No proof, but I didn't say anything directly to him or even any vulgarity. Was only pointing out I was getting abused and then he banned me.

6. Please tell us about the incident: "So yea, I was just pretty much playing like everyone else, Ts were speaking over CTs non stop, kept telling someone to mute Ts so CTs could be heard, and then it ended up every T killed every CT because orders could not be heard. Next round starts, I say, "fail admins are fail" not directed at anyone specficially and then I get kicked. I rejoin, and say "cool abuse kick bro" and then I pretty much got banned after that by lazarus after he was disrespecting me. Yea, sounds real fair to me. I would like an unban please."

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He came in causing a fuss about nothing and started getting mad at the admins (two of us were in at the time trying to control the entire server might I add). He then chimed in with, as he said, "Fail admins are fail." I kicked him with "If you don't like it, here's the door." He came back and said nice abuse, I told him to stop specifically that he's "Going the right way for a ripe bottom." He said he didn't care, and that the admins sucked anyway so I banned him for 30 minutes to give him some time to cool off with the reason "If you don't like it, don't come back" as shown in sourcebans. It was deserved, he was looking for trouble, and I warned him more than enough times to give up the charades.

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"He came in causing a fuss about nothing and started getting mad at the admins (two of us were in at the time trying to control the entire server might I add). He then chimed in with, as he said, "Fail admins are fail." I kicked him with "If you don't like it, here's the door." He came back and said nice abuse, I told him to stop specifically that he's "Going the right way for a ripe bottom." He said he didn't care, and that the admins sucked anyway so I banned him for 30 minutes to give him some time to cool off with the reason "If you don't like it, don't come back" as shown in sourcebans. It was deserved, he was looking for trouble, and I warned him more than enough times to give up the charades. "


Bullshit I came in causing a fuss. I was playing the game like everyone else and none of the admins were doing their jobs, so as I said "fail admins are fail" which was not directed at anyone specifically. Saying "fail admins are fail" is not kickable, for it is not targeted at anyone, vulgarity, nor disrespect to anyone specific. It was an abused kick which is why I said it was abuse. I never said that I didn't care, I simply said "cool story bro" and yet you continued to keep shit going with me, even though you were the one was keeping it going and abusing your power. Your exactly the reason why I hate admins. Bullshit it was deserved and bullshit I was looking for trouble, you abused kick and your power, and shouldn't be an admin. He even decided to abuse me yet again just a couple minutes ago after the ban wore off. A T had rebeled and ran to shot 4 shot to run to vents to armory. So I ran to first cell and went through the hole to take me to armory. The second I got to armory I looked down the hole, and I saw a T coming up, so I shot him. I was slayed for camping armory/vent, but I was only in armory for 2 seconds. I shot the T the moment I was in armory. After I killed the T I went down the ladder and started exploring the vent to see if there were any other rebels. I did not stop to camp, I kept moving, it was then while I was exploring I was slayed. I am tired of this bullshit and that this guy is able to keep pulling abusive BS. I am tired of the admins like this constantly getting away with this kind of crap. I'm just trying to come here and have fun, not deal with retarded bs. If I wanted that I'd go to 4chan and Modern Warfare 2.

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This has already been discussed in the server. You went in and out of the main vents twice and were scoping down with an awp down the vents each time. Please don't bring your one-sided accounts and write reports with gaping holes in them. I was told you have been kicked many times today since rejoining the server.

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