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Singularity - Suprisingly good game - IGN reader score 7.8/10


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Didn't really read any reviews. Just "bought" it and tried it out.


You're a soldier working with some scientist going back in time and blowin up freaky creatures and solving some minor puzzles. You collect "E99" which is basically money and you can upgrade your weapons, buy extra ammo for them, buy armor/health upgrades, pretty much make your guy stronger in most aspects. It has kind of a bio shock feel but definitely NOT the same game.


You have a thing on your hand called a "TMD" that lets you do lots of crazy stuff. Freeze your enemies, create a bubble that makes everything inside it slow motion, blow your enemies back, telekinesis. The main function is you use it to repair things that were broken in the past from a box with health packs to a freakin frigate.


Then you got guns, the guns + tmd device = major ass kicking. There are lot's of awesome guns the farther you get into the game. I haven't gotten too far into the game, probably 8-10 hours but it's been pretty fun and creepy as hell. Several things will make you panic lol.


There is a multi-player, i haven't touched it yet so I cannot comment on it.


Graphics look pretty good, nothing amazing but definitely not cheasy or crappy, no real complaints here. One thing is a few times I've almost got stuck, couple spots I have gotten glitched between something and had to crouch/uncrouch and move around to get out .The game is pretty gory, nothing too wild though..My GTX 260 runs it at max settings @ 1900x1200 at over 80 FPS, never drops really so not extremely taxing on a system. I'd definitely recommend you boys give it a try.










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From what I've seen, it looks like a combination of Half-Life 2 and Bioshock.


those were my impressions at first too, possible with a little resistance: fall of man in there but was considering buying this but felt i should wait for a price drop. thanks terry for letting us know im definitely grabbing this asap.

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