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Ban Report for (ﮖβ) Be|ial - STEAM_0:0:3066722


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1. Name: (ﮖβ) Be|ia

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:3066722

3. Server: Minigames


4. Reason: Constant Micspam + General Douchebaggery


5. Proof: http://rapidshare.com/files/413366694/beliel-micspam.dem


6. Comments: Sorry the demo is so big/long... I forgot to stop recording, But even so, towards the end of the demo, he started mic-spamming again. At the start, I just missed him spamming, he was going for 5 mins, but didn't think about recording.


Ban Currently Standing at 1 Day, but The Sourcebans has broked :(, so the ban is not showing on it.

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