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League of Legends Rewiev of the game


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The objective of the game is to use your champion to defeat the enemy's nexus.

There are two maps for this game, one being a 3v3,the other being a 5v5.


So you are a summoner. You choose one of the 30 or so champions to use to defeat the enemy team's champions and to eventually destroy the nexus, as stated above. As a summoner, you get exp at the end of every round even if you lose, and as you lvl us, you get new skills and every level=1 talent point in the talent tree you have. The talent tree has 3 branches:





The offensive talent tree branch helps toward pushing the game (pushing-pressing forward, breaching the enemy,etc.) with skills increasing your attack speed, attack damage, spell damage, and even some skills you have already gotten.


The defensive talent tree helps toward pushing as well, but makes you more of a tank and able to take more hits. you have the option to increase your armor, hp, spell resist, and some defensive skills you may have acquired earlier in the game.


The support tree is a bit random and just helps toward your summoner skills. I would not recommend speccing in this branch as it does not assist your gameplay very much.




Champions are the way you win the game. You take control of your champion of choice and use him to defeat other champions,minions, and turrets.

There are plenty of champions to choose from and you'll probably find your very own and get very good at playing that champion. Champions have levels going up to 18 per game. Every level, you get to upgrade one of your 4 skills. The first three being able to be acquired at level 1, and the 4th, at 6. The 4th is your ultimate and in many cases is much stronger than the other 3 when used strategically. So while you're leveling up, you get gold for killing minions and champions. The gold you can use to buy items, buy more items to make other items, and buy more items to make more items. Potentially, you can have a maximum of 18 levels and 6 items.




I feel like this needs it's own little section because it's very important. There are 6 items that are recommended for your champion in the top right hand corner of your screen in the shop menu. Most of those items are nice, but I wouldn't recommend using all of them. I,personally, save my money till about 2k, then start crafting the best item I can. After that I make boots that increase your movement speed. And from there I usually make dmg or lifesteal item combos. By the time I have 6 items I like, I usually lose the game xD .


The Strategy:

So, basically, what you want to do is kill the waves of minions coming every 30 seconds or so. After that, yuo attack the turret towers that waste you in the beginning of the game. So to avoid being wasted, you have to have some of your minions be attacked by the tower, minions are usually killed in 2-3 shots. I wouldn't recommending attacking the turret after a fight unless yuo have 4+ minions. The towers will be destroyed slowly in the beginning, but slowly will increase speed as your champions get stronger. After you've defeated the 3-4 (cant remember) towers leading up to two centers you can destroy that will allow you to start sending out super minions, nearly capeable of soloing a tower. These super minions are your window to killing the Nexus. the nexus has 3 towers surrounding it, but is fairly easy to kill if the game lasted more than 10 minutes.




If you wanna play just download it here



Edited by mr.E
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Edit: Thank you for changing it! =]


However, I play this game and I think overall it is fun. Mind you, it is geared towards less serious DoTa players or people new to the DoTa genre. If you've played DoTA and enjoy the style of gameplay, stay away and play HoN. More rage and it is more akin to HoN.



Edited by enigma#
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I play on and off, and it's not bad for some casual newb beating. It's certainly less convoluted than DOTA, and HoN, which followed in its footsteps.


Granted, some of the toons are still broken, but balance has always been an issue with you have 40+ heroes you can choose from.

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I was going to type out a Pros and Cons list, but I really couldn't think of anything positive to say about this "dota clone." All they did was take DoTa and dumb it down for people who sucked. I mean really, they removed Denies? Is there even a laning phase in this game? >:o


tl;dr - the game sucks
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1. Have you played it? Because clearly if you have played it, you would have known there is a laning phase...

2. Yes they do have lanes (3 in fact), the tower layout is the same as in HoN.

Outer Tower, Inner Tower, Inhibitor Tower and World Tower (2) ; it doesn't have extra buildings (like in HoN) but essentially the tower layout is the same


2a) Denies don't really affect me but I can see how it affects gameplay... you definitely get less creep kills in HoN whereas in LoL, it's farmville... =/


3. I have played LoL and HoN. I like both pretty evenly (except I'm still very green at HoN).


4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear... =P

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1. Have you played it? Because clearly if you have played it, you would have known there is a laning phase...

2. Yes they do have lanes (3 in fact), the tower layout is the same as in HoN.

Outer Tower, Inner Tower, Inhibitor Tower and World Tower (2) ; it doesn't have extra buildings (like in HoN) but essentially the tower layout is the same


2a) Denies don't really affect me but I can see how it affects gameplay... you definitely get less creep kills in HoN whereas in LoL, it's farmville... =/


3. I have played LoL and HoN. I like both pretty evenly (except I'm still very green at HoN).


4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear... =P

I hate newbs who've never played DoTa, yet defend LoL as if they know what they're talking about. :P

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"I hate newbs who've never played DoTa, yet defend LoL as if they know what they're talking about. "


so I never said I did play DoTA... LoL is in the same genre (actually derived from) DoTA...

And wait... we're talking about LoL not DoTA so please stay on topic.

Second, I wasn't defending LoL... all I was saying is that if you don't like LoL, that's fine... your opinion

I stated mine clearly

I like both pretty evenly

You asked if laning was in LoL, I answered your question.

I asked you a question... you didn't answer and proceeded to attempt to insult me so that's cool...

In fact, I tried to compare it for you and you seem to think I'm defending it... hmm...


and seriously, wtf is with people in trolling game threads.

Weeman just said not to in his etiquette thread... https://hellsgamers.com/threads/28458-Rules-and-proper-etiquette-for-this-forum. Edited by enigma#
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Correction noted... My apologies to you Pwned for using the incorrect term of reference. =/


So back on topic:


The gameplay overview of LoL is simple:

As to DoTA is to HoN, you play LoL very similarly to DoTA.

There are three lanes, in which "minions" or "creeps" spawn on each opposing side looking to destroy the towers that guard each lane. At the end of all three lanes lies two turrets defending your "Nexus", your objective is to destroy all towers and the nexus. However, your limitation is that you have to destroy each individual tower in at least one lane (plus the two towers guarding the Nexus) in order to reach the "Nexus". However, once you destroy three towers in one lane, you will find another building that will help you in quickly ending the game (and winning it as well). It is called the "Inhibitor", it's the building that stops your team from spawning super minions. Super minions are basically over-powered minions that have ridiculous amount of health as well as do a lot of damage.



Edit: I'll add more later as I play more... =/

Edited by enigma#
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you didn't answer and proceeded to attempt to insult me so that's cool...

4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear...

4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear...

4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear...

4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear...

4. I hate newbs who think they can judge a game just by what they hear...

And no, I've never played LoL. After reading about the game (From the LoL homepage), I'm not sure why anyone who enjoyed DoTa would play it. LoL is more unlike DoTa than it is like it, in the sense that they've taken all the aspects of DoTa that made it challenging/competitive and either removed them or changed them to make them drastically easier.

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