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Post your newest Screen/LIfeshot that made you happy!


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Summary: Post Your latest screenshot that made you happy. This can ALSO be a real life screen capture that made your day! Then tell us why it made you happy!




Piscians: I just started playing this persistent world shooter called crimecraft. I ignored it because I heard it sucked when it came out but it's really quite good just has a high learning curve because it's a leveling/crafting mmo but it's also UT3 style so you essentially complete missions/jobs gain levels and items by kicking peoples asses in Capture/conquest/Team/deathmatch/king of the hill etc in urban environments. anyway I just started, Im only level 12, I havent bought/crafted a single item and I already got top scorer in a TDM Yaay me! We lost cause My team sucked but oh well :D


Oh Also CrimeCraft is free so come play with me!

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