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This is the best game. Ever.


And I like it more than HL2. It's just way more intense, harder, better guns/gunplay.


I first played it 2 years ago. I wasn't expecting much, and really only got it so I wouldn't be lost when I played HL2 afterwards. I was blown away.


So what do you guys think? How is it compared to HL2 in your opinion?

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Eh, I really liked HL1, it sent you down narror corridors, and it was just really fun.

But it think HL2 is better, theres just better enemies, the story is told better, and it has many different things to do, such as driving a car and an air boat. The characters are better, because you're not just stuck with some repeated scientists and security guards, you actually have characters with names, and personalities.


But story wise, I think they were the same.

Can't wait for Black Mesa: Source. haha

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Well, I can explain why HL1 is better to some people.


Back in the day, videogames were made to be played for the storyline. They just wanted to make a great game that everyone can follow and enjoy.

Nowadays, videogames are made for the graphics. Take any game. The 1st one will always have a better gameplay, if it was made like 10 years ago. No one that makes games now, really cares about the story that happends in single player games. It's only about graphics now.

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Half-life two gave life to a better kind of fps one where you had to think a bit throwing obstacles to over come which made it better the half life one.

But we already know your opinion Rosco


HL2 doesn't get a spot in the poll because it sucks dick. All physics and lip-synching technology, nothing in the gameplay department.

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lol im actually in the middle of replaying the half life series right now, personally i prefer HL2 over HL because the story is much more solid, it seems like in the first one, although its more difficult, im sitting there thinking "alright, i get it, im escaping, now what?"

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