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Seriously guys.. u should put back slay.

I know u guys want to stop the admin abuse and all.. but the control over ppl is horrible.

The complaints, the spams, the slowness, and the ratio between ct's and t's get fucked without slays.

PLEASE, change it back. D:

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yea, i looove slapping for 99 damage....


this is crazy... the LITTLE order us admins used to be able to enforce by subject to punishment is GONE


just in 20 mins ppl are getting freekilled in cells, freeshot for no reason in deagle cage. when no orders are given people just run around and it turns into deathmatch


i know you want order but taking away slay for people who rightfully got their admin and ALL the powers that are supposed to go along with it is just ridiculous. especially for those 12 or 15 of us are well known and respected by other players

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