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My 26th Year old Birthday today


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Well as I said it today is my 26th year old Birthday. My ass is starting to feel old now lol. Well plans for today is basically going to work "yes on my damn birthday" then coming home getting shower and dressed up and heading out to eat. Then to my aunts house for a party! Best part the party with hot women and Beer Right? who can go wrong haha.


Well then probably be on here later tonight see ya guys then!

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Lol Meh Had fun this whole weekend was great. Friday As I said I went to the party got trashed and kerokee for a bit. My friend drove me home of course. Got home stayed up drinking some more and playing cards with family for a bit. Saturday went out to my aunts and visit her for a bit. Yesterday my parents made potpie together 4 huge ass pots of it and took it out to my aunts for everyone. We went back out there and cut fire wood and hung too brand new screen doors for her. Ate supper and sat in her living room joking around for the rest of the night. Fucking like 20 people there. So it wasn't to bad for a 27th birthday.

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