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Forum Account ("chrondog")


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OMFG I am not him wtf i am Lt.Ryan^hn4e on your dang server. Also BlackEyes [WHOREGON] and My Dixie Wrecked. How could you possibly think that. He literally is my best friend in real life we go to the same dang school. Compare steam id's man. Just so you know damnit im not reffering to ajsmileydude account it's not mine. My chrondog account was banned so I just made this new one chrondog2 and posted here.

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OMFG I am not him wtf i am Lt.Ryan^hn4e on your dang server. Also BlackEyes [WHOREGON] and My Dixie Wrecked. How could you possibly think that. He literally is my best friend in real life we go to the same dang school. Compare steam id's man. Just so you know damnit im not reffering to ajsmileydude account it's not mine. My chrondog account was banned so I just made this new one chrondog2 and posted here.


Well why do you knowingly let him hack on HG servers? You must know he does, since your his best friend. I was joking about you being him, but who knows if you don't wall too. :)


Tell your friend he can't cheat at life, so its best to just learn the game and get better.

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Is it because ajsmileydude knew my website account?



what do u mean? ajsmileydude is a different website account from chrondog...








btw, even if we unban the HG website account named "chrondog", we are not going to unban "Ro||ed(ٿ)^hn4e" (STEAM_0:1:20064011) from the servers. (Ban reports: 1, 2)

Edited by HT | bort
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Also why the fuck does it matter? It is a forum account. If you were something before then we can give you back that right, but if you just want it for stupid reasons then no, because you brought it among your self. This is like sharing steam accounts, if the person you let barrow the account gets it vaced. Well Steam will say, that is your own fault for giving out personal information. And they wont unban it, sometimes.

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OMG listen,


1. I didn't share my information with him I just use the same password on almost every website I go to.


2. If I change my freaking password he won't be able to log into my account.


3. ajsmileydude is my friends account. He first logged onto my chrondog account just to report an admin abuse on one of your dust servers. Than as I said he was to lazy to make his own damn account so than he made one.


4. We've known each other in real life since the 4th grade, this isn't giving my account to a stranger.


5. I want to be unbanned because this is one of those things that I feel I didn't deserve even though I don't care about it much anyways.


6. I know for a fact that he wouldn't do anything to piss me off with my account on anything.

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ok your other account, "chrondog" (in game: STEAM_0:0:20841447, "Lt.Ryan^hn4e" a.k.a. "BlackEyes [WHOREGON]" a.k.a. "Your Dixie Wrecked" etc) is unbanned.


your friends's account, "ajsmileydude" (in game: STEAM_0:1:20064011, "Ro||ed(ٿ)^hn4e" a.k.a "|_Ro||eD_|(ٿ)^hn4e" a.k.a "XYZ...Pervert" a.k.a "Tasset the tampon" a.k.a "boom the tampon" etc) is not getting unbanned.

Edited by HT | bort
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