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Someone with cs4 help


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Photoshop tutorials websites are your best bet.


Learn about brushes, layers, layer styles, and then move on to the other tools and options.


Your off to a good start on your signature tag. However, as you see with the image of the counter terrorist, the silencer is cut off. So you really should but that edge of the gun against the right side of your sig, so it looks correct.


I see you have 2-3 layers in that sig, adding more player models, weapon models, a background, etc..will make it stand out more as well.


For your sig right now, If you moved the birdman down and then cut that image in half, your sig wouldn't have so much wasted (empty) space. (plus its just large anyways.)

Good luck, its a cool program onces you play around in it for a few months. TUTORIALS TUTORIALS TUTORIALS

Edited by vandium
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