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What do you guys do when you have the shittiest day ever?


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welcome to life, no happy endings


Yeah. You need to learn to cope with stress. Some people deal with their problems with supplements, illegal or legal. These can range anywhere from Anti depression pills, to morphine. Its just the way life is, things always turn out for the worse in the view of the victim. Happy Living!

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Peanut butter coffee milkshakes until I pass out.


Also you're 16 you'll feel better inside of 6 months. When I was 16 all of my immediate family was dead or MIA and My girlfriend left me too but more in a very public


"I don't know what happened we (her and some f***ing sword collecting metalf**) were just drinking and doing shrooms and sort of had sex so I'm breaking up with you now"


and I got over it pretty quick..or didn't I'm not sure....GOD I F***ING HATE METAL **GS.

Edited by piscian
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