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Admin Abuse


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In-game Name: JackOLan‡€rn

Server: [HG] 24/7 OFFICE N00b Training Facility.

Banning Admin: I was banned at 10:35 Central time, by Hg|Seboard.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:19381803

Reason: I was banned because of trash talk...? In the MOTD it states that a certain amount of trash talk is ok. I only made a few remakes "bad, pussy awp" Apparently this was to much trash talk for Seboard to handle. He quickly notified me in a unprofessional manor to stop. (A few words where tossed around between then.) So final I said "I love it how nerds like you can talk shit on the internet". Then he banned me.


This ban is unfair and unreasonable. If I am to be banned please take in note Seboard had a bit of trash talking himself. It is not my intention to get Seboards admin taken away, or anything of the sort. Just maybe some lessons on how to use them. Instead of a ban try a mute?


Anyways get back to me.


Edited by Jackolantern
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