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I need help...


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Recently, whenever I am mid-game in Left 4 Dead 2, my whole computer shuts down. I'm not sure why this is happening. It doesn't do it for CS:S or TF2. My tower isn't over-heating and there is no error message. (Expect for when it starts back up it asks if I want to start Windows in Normal Mode)


Any help?

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hmm, sounds like a power supply issue. I'll look into it.


Yes the first thing that poped up into my mind. Either that your video accel may be too high, that sometimes causes an error like that. Just go to video properties and then advanced options and manually lower your accel, or you could install new drivers.

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hmm, sounds like a power supply issue. I'll look into it.


thats what it sounds like at first yes, but as she has stated it does not occur in other games, this sounds like either a video card problem or just simply try verifying the integrity of the game's files through the properties tab when you right click it.

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If you could check your system logs (in Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer -> System Logs -> System) and see if you can find a line that has a "Warning" or "Error" flag on it. Post the most recent ones and maybe it lies there.


Note: Windows won't write an error except "The kernel restarted unexpectedly" if you look at the log.


A few things you could try


1. What Fox said (although AA/AF doesn't have a huge impact on total system temperature)

2. Try updating your video card drivers

3. Download a custom utility to manage the fan speed of your graphics card. For nVidia: nTune, ATI: I use the Catalyst control center for that.

My old GTX285 used to overheat a lot so I set the fan speed at 75% constantly and it stopped shutting down randomly. lol

4. Do a System Restore. Roll your computer back to an earlier date that did not have these problems.

My reasoning behind that is because perhaps there was something installed that caused it. Very unlikely but worth a try.

5. Try swapping out a video card and test it (if you have another one... =( )



Personally, I'd say Weeman is most likely right. =]

Edited by enigma#
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  • 2 weeks later...
Are you still letting your computer run for weeks at a time?


Since I got a laptop, I started to shut down my desktop.


I bet its either a virus or a power supply issue. Thats as much as I know.


I have a very good anti-virus program and the last scan I did didn't show anything. As for the power supply thing, how does that work? I'm pretty computer dumb :(

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