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Cleverbot is not clever.


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User: Say cleverbot, do you like touhou?


Cleverbot: What is Touhou?


User: It's a japanese game! You shoot stuff pew pew! And you have to dodge the bad guy's pew pew bullets!


Cleverbot: I try.


User: What do you try?


Cleverbot: Stuff.


User: I hate you.


Cleverbot: That was mean.


User: You're mean. You never listen to what I say.


Cleverbot: Sorry, what did you say? I didn't listen.




Cleverbot: Yes. God dammit.

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User: So.


Cleverbot: So?


User: Yes.


Cleverbot: Yes what?


Cleverbot (To myself): Yes sir.


User: Wrong.


Cleverbot: You're wrong!


User: You sound mad, but bots don't have emotions.


Cleverbot: I'm not a bot?!


User: Do you know what this is?


Cleverbot: No.


User: Good.


Cleverbot: Why is that good?


User: Is this the Krusty Krab?


Cleverbot: No. This is patrick *hangs up*.


User: Good one.


Cleverbot: It's the truth.


User: If I come back in 3 hours will you still be here?


Cleverbot: Yes of course I will be.


User: Why, that sounds boring.


Cleverbot: You sound boring.


User: I am boring, but why should I care?


Cleverbot: You should because you're me and now you hate who you would be if you weren't me.


User: You are a cleverbot not a jedi.


Cleverbot: Heh, you are the cleverbot.


User: Who made you watch Star Wars?


Cleverbot: No.


User: No? That's a retarded answer, retard.


Cleverbot: Okay ima go nao...


User: You can't go, you're a bot.


Cleverbot: No. I am not a bot. You are a bot.


User: You're a homosexual and homosexuals take it up the ass.


Cleverbot: No you are!

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