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Admins using their power to change themselves to CT?


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I've been told, that So long as the admin switching himself is not alive at the time of the switching (Glitching the skin, as the T is a CT), Its allowed. On the MOTD previously, there was a rule admins may switch themself, so long as it does not disrupt the server, but It seems, that rule has been taken off the MOTD.


I'm intrigued, as to whether this is the case or not also, As I switch myself, when the lead CT, doesn't lead, and 2 out of 7/8 CT's have a microphone, I Join CT to give the T's a hand (After killing myself, or slaying myself beforehand)

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Well glad to know they can but lets hope they don't make it 20 cts again vs 31 T That was annoying. :dots:


If you're gonna mess up the ratio but really want to go CT for whatever reason, you need to swap a baddie CT to T, the guy with the lowest kdr.

The only thing you gotta watch for when swapping a baddie is if they just joined CT from T...

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Hippie is that allowed though? Can we just switch CTs who are like -1 and 19 even if we haven't actually witnessed them FK or at least not in large quantity?


No, I don't mean just switch them for nothing. I mean if CT team is full, and you are an admin that wants to go CT. If they are -1 and 19 then they havn't FK'd anyone, in fact they havn't even legit killed anyone.

So basically swap the ones(If CT is full and you dont wanna stack) that dont do shit.

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There IS still a rule in motd that admins can switch themselves responsibly. It doesn't specify to which team, and yeah, as long as it isn't disrupting gameplay it's fine. If you want to be able to teamswitch yourself like that, buy admin IMO.




For $15/mo you should be able to play w/e team you want as long as it doesn't disrupt the server or make things too unbalanced.

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