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I just wanted to say a few things before I really get myself involved in this clan. :dots: I will say things and do things that will piss off admins an older clan members. I know that some one like 50cent will be on my ass like burning coals of the fires from hell and other people and admins will as well. I am not what you call sheepish in any way and even if an admin is being a tard I will tell him off like anyone else. So if I last longer than six months around here it will surprise even me. :ban?:


On an regular basis I do shoot and do play with real things that kill people. So don't doubt my knowledge (which some of you are just because). I have been threw 2 brain surgeries in less than 1 week when I was 15. So that should tell you that I am not all there :rofl: . I also make fun of everyone and everything so just because you are an admin don't take it personally, I do it to everyone even the minorities.


I re-skin my guns to suit my actual shooting style. NO I DO NOT USE THE HACK MODS. I stay as far away from them as I can. I believe in playing fair. So for all of those who hack, I will catch you and make sure your cheap ass is banned.


I am usually pretty mello and that is why I play vid games. I do rage quit though but after doing that I am better.


Oh btw I will respond to FatBat or Nick in game and nothing else.

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Not long, I hate fa****s who are like that and as far as I am concerned they all need to die and be put in very deep, very dark, wholes somewhere. But that is just the opinion of this 20 year old.


That is why i cant stand the AWPERs on all the servers. At range I dont mind but when it is conversational distance then that is where I would start banning people. Also just my opinion. I think you should play with skill not the biggest baddest weapon there is. You never progress in gaming if you do not test yourself. The only reason some people are on the top 20 is that they spawn camp with an awp. But you cant fix the stupid and the weak so I guess you have to deal with it.

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