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I need some advice.


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I want to get a new graphics card. Mine is getting up there in age and it shows. On average on medium setting it will sit between 6-14 FPS. I was wonder if the card I want will be a good upgrade from the old 4600 series I have.




I just need something that can play CSS and L4D1&2 around 40 so I can actually get some kills. I hate putting my setting all on low because that isn't how a game is meant to played. Anyways is the HD 5770 my next step or is there something else i should consider?

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I am running a HD4670. I have a e7300 with 4 gigs of ram and 500 gig hard drive. The processor is running at 2.5 with 266.5 bus speed. HD4670 is sitting on a gig of DDR2 at core of 165 MHz. Is that enough info to get the job done or you need more sir.

Edited by FatBat
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I am running a HD4670. I have a e7300 with 4 gigs of ram and 500 gig hard drive. The processor is running at 2.5 with 266.5 bus speed. HD4670 is sitting on a gig of DDR2 at core of 165 MHz. Is that enough info to get the job done or you need more sir.


Well your CPU is a bit behind for source games, that's PART of the issue depending on how big of a server you play in and what resolution you play at. (1280x1024 and above). 4gb is plenty of ram. You could research overclocking that CPU and getting a cooler (most cost effective thing to do)


The 4670 card itself is not that great, even a 4850/4870 is a huge upgrade over it.


If you have a power supply that will support it, I'd go for the HD 5770, then upgrade your CPU/mobo/ram later. You WILL notice a good improvement just form the video card.

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Fatbat, I'd Recommend That if your PSU Is what i expect it to be I would recommend getting an Antec 650W. Since a 5770 Will have a 6 or 8 pin PSU. If your in it for the budget. What is Your board? If its an AM3 Id get an Athlon 2 Quad core @ 2.8Ghz, Its Worth the 100$ and you won't be dissatisfied. Really, In my Honest opinion You'd be better off saving Idk, 1500 bucks and doing a full overhaul. 4 GB of RAM will be 'out of Style" In an estimated 6 months. I Would recommend Another 2 - 4 GB So you don't have to worry about it. But, To me atleast, Trying to Upgrade a PC That is geting 6 -8 FPS Is Just a money pit. As I said Befoe...et... 1500 Is an over investment. I don't know your financial status. I will give you a smaller # that will get you a decent PC. 750? 1000? Something aroudn there should keep you rolling for years.

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Zinthius I am running a Core 2 Duo E 7200. I dont like amd and I am planning on doing a overhaul once I get a more stable of a job. I need to upgrade my system in about 3-6 different areas. One of which is the power supply and another is the ram. I would also like to upgrade my chip but that means a new board first.So I am taking it slow. if worse comes to worse I will get a cheap 650 and call it till I can afford a better quality one.


oh and the winner for the exact card I will choose is...http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131327&cm_re=powercolor_pcs%2b_ax5770-_-14-131-327-_-Product Power Collor


Biggest bang for the buck. Well that I could find and all my friends added in there vote.

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