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i dont kno if abuse but yeha


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1. Abuser name: [HG] Zinthius

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:19913622

3. What server: ba_jail_hellsgamers_superfinal

4. About what time: 3:27pm

5. PROOF:ehbajailhellsgamerssuperfij


6. Please tell us about the incident: I told to stop and he kept un-muting and idk I just thought he might need to know that he is disturbing game when doing so I didn't want to kick because other admins are under the impression they can spam while being dead your call.

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Crosshair, ALOT Of the CT's were free killing people. I was trying to make it enjoyable, it was 2:00AM PST. Each time i attempted to have a somewhat actual day i would get killed quickly and it would go to free day. I can't stop people from killing me because of CT's who can't aim. But i digress, this really has nothing to do with " Abusing my..."admin" ". I'll Calm down on CTs and just not try to lead.

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