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Steam launches beta for 'Steam Wallet' payment option


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Though a "Steam Wallet" sounds like some sort of futuristic contraption which heats and presses your bills to a crisp finish, it's actually a new payment option Valve has sent into beta for its Steam platform. Rather than taking money directly out of your debit or credit card and using that money to buy a game, you can now take money directly out of your debit or credit card, and put it in a Steam Wallet in $5, $10, $25, $50, and $100 increments, and then use that money to buy a game.



Edited by Provin
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so just an extra step in order to get money to Valve....


Version A: Card/Bank -> Valve

Version B: Card/Bank -> "Steam Wallet" -> Valve


Makes no sense, unless you need to mommy to give you weekly allowance in Steam Dollars with imaginary portraits of Gabe Newell on them instead of nice crisp cash....


(Yes I DID read the source, but the value of money being taught to kids is just an excuse for Valve to secure money from you faster, kind of like a gift card -- cant refund it -- you feel like you sort of spent the money, but you also feel like you didn't till you get a final product in your grasp.)

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Oh, and they'll also be taking all the money left over in VACd accounts.


Their argument for that will be that you can play single player mode and/or non-secured servers (whichever applies to said game in question). Doesn't rend the game unplayable. Same for any future purposes.




My question is will it be a separate account, like the Support account one makes when filing a ticket about Steam issues? If so, the money can then go towards purchases for multiple accounts (even expanding their income more lol).

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I can't really think of a way this doesn't make me rage. I've always said that gift cards are just like money, except substantially less useful. I personally avoid receiving gift cards if at all possible even if the gift giver is more inclined to give me less in cash or another item as a result.


Why? I have about $150 in gift cards to Walmart and another hundred-some-odd dollars in to various restaurants that I may never use. Why? Because it's a pain in the ass to carry around another dozen cards outside of the ones that I need to carry with me for legitimate purposes. Why would I want to have to manage an intermediate source that often penalizes me for keeping money on it when I could just deposit cash into one of my accounts and invest accordingly?


Those are physical examples. Digitally it irritates me more (Riot, Zynga, XBL, I'm looking at you) to have a pool of fake money that you have to refill with real, devalued money to purchase services. Valve is taking it one step further by having you exchange money... for money... to buy things with. All in the same number of clicks as Paypal, mind you.



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