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is anyone actually enjoying this game??? I'm sorry but this is the 5th fucking halo and their AI is still the biggest group of dumb mother fuckers i have ever seen in a video game. Its actually so bad that its unplayable for me, no matter what the fucking chick spartan always drives me to my death or does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. goes the same for any other AI that gets behind the wheel. One soldier drove me onto a rail where i was immediately blown up due to a wraith on the OTHER SIDE OF THE RAIL! Its like the only thing they gave the AI is the ability to go straight at the enemy without taking obstacles or the fact that the other guys have bigger guns into account. I'm Warning you now, Don't play this game by yourself, do co-op. its the only thing that makes this game playable (if your friends aren't as stupid as the AI that is). So is anyone else extremely disappointed in this prequel?

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Its actually so bad that its unplayable for me, no matter what the fucking chick spartan always drives me to my death or does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. goes the same for any other AI that gets behind the wheel. One soldier drove me onto a rail where i was immediately blown up due to a wraith on the OTHER SIDE OF THE RAIL!

Welcome to halo

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I like Bad Company. Never played Halo 1/2, only 3. I honestly am 100% with you, Weeman! I really cannot see all of the reason of the hype around this series! It would just be a mediocre shooter if it didn't have the Halo brand tacked on. I mean, for real: OMG SPRINTING! 6 SPECIALIZATIONS! 3 NEW GUNS! Call of Duty 4 had that back in 2007!


Cmon, Bungie. Really? I'm just praying Black Ops will save CoD, but I'm sort of hopeless. It's good to know that Gears and Fallout still out there.

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i mean, at least the call of duty ai in the campaign is smart enough to actually attempt killing you.

personally, i think CoD is more balanced with campaign and multiplayer although more people play multiplayer since the campaigns arent the longest things is the world.

a lot of times people that i know that have played halo 3, odst, and reach arent even playing the campaign until they play the multiplayer for so long.

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