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My friend died...


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I'm very sorry for your loss.


I cannot help but think of the emotions that overcome you when this happens. I have not had anyone close to me die, and for that i am extremely thankful and grateful for.


“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”


I've heard that the best way to get over things like these is to talk to someone about it. I'm here if you would like to talk, and I'm sure there are a handful of others who would aswell.

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i feel you man, i lost a close friend about a year ago. it hurts a lot, and it wont be easy, trust me, i still remember every moment of his burial like its seared into my conscious, I remember hating everybody around me, and just being sick of school...


but it will be alright, and i'm sure that you will come out a better person in the end.


RIP- Nick Grande:(


And my prayers and thoughts go out to you fragger...

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