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Mod Team Recruitment


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One and a half years ago my friend Sean proposed that him I create a half life 2 mod Called Dead Earth we assembeled a team of writers and concept artists and me(Sean was under the impression that i could make the mod by myself) 6 months when by and we dident even have a working storyline My friend Doug who was trying to learn SDK joined the team. THe team never meeted or dicussed storyline plots bacically he wasent taking the mod seriously at all. And since I was never given anything to work with concept or story wise so I never did much either. The team quickly dissipated into notheng but me Doug and Sean. Doug convinced me to scrap the mod entirely it was a dumb concept and wasent going anywhere (But i dident really abandon it untill Sean told me that he was going to email his rough script to bungie) Dead Earth died before it was even born and all we had to show for it was a crappy script (sean), gamebox art (Sean) and unfinished icon (Me) and the only File ever created for the mod a temp map called temp_citymap0.3.bsp(Me)




But out of the doomed falure of an attempt to start a mod, another concept rose. Doug as perposed to start our own mod since both of us had a basic knolege of source SDK (emphisis on BASIC) we decided to create out own mod and do it right as Doug and me as the lead concept writers/SDK students and a team of adequate map makers, scripters programers, and animator. and where better to recruit that hellsgamers.com? So i ask the community to join us.




This mod does not yet have a title but has a basic plot. This mod takes place in the half life 2 universe and begins midway through half life 2.


You are citizen working in the underground railroad. You recive the news that alyx vance and gordon freeman have most likely been killed at nova prospekt. You take up arms and become a Rebel. Under the command of barney Calhoun you and your fellow freedom fighters must storm the citidel and rescue eli vance. But unexpectedly Gorden and alyx miracously return and your mission has canged. (thats all we got so far srry)




If you meet one or more of the requirements you are elligible for recrutment


Skilled with the source SDK created mods berfore is a plus


KNows how to create scenes in faceposer


KNows how to create COMPLETE maps in hammer




[HG] shad0w440


Edited by shad0w440
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