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I may be onto something.

Lt. Richard

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Ive been thinking. With the aboose reports acting up. maybe their should be one person assigned to a server. Just to review their past's. And make sure they dont use their powers to avoid t list or being banned. So maybe instead of just paying and you get it. i understand Hg needs the money. but we need to have like a application to say like the application for HG. to stop this. Take a look for what their applying for. and check some of the history. Ban reports. Reputations... that kind of stuff. i think this would reduce the abusing to avoid being kicked. ect:apple::apple::apple:

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Ive been thinking. With the aboose reports acting up. maybe their should be one person assigned to a server. Just to review their past's. And make sure they dont use their powers to avoid t list or being banned. So maybe instead of just paying and you get it. i understand Hg needs the money. but we need to have like a application to say like the application for HG. to stop this. Take a look for what their applying for. and check some of the history. Ban reports. Reputations... that kind of stuff. i think this would reduce the abusing to avoid being kicked. ect:apple::apple::apple:




No but really. One person assigned to server admin background checks? Not worth it. The delay to get JB admin would be immense.

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