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The most awkward moment of my life.


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Me and my mommy were watching The Big C. It's a TV show on HBO about a woman who has cancer, and her days are limited. So she goes about doing crazy shit, and it's pretty funny at moments.


One scene, she finds her son watching some porno and beatin' it. So then she starts to watch it with him to "explain" all the things wrong with it. It's pretty hilarious.


So after the scene, my mum starts asking me some "questions"...

And finally she asks "Do you watch that stuff?". At first I said "YEP!" jokingly. Then she asked "really" a few times, and the more she asks, the more I get serious.


So then I hide my face under the blanket hanging off our couch, embarrassed as hell.


The next things she said suprised me a little.


"There is nothing to be ashamed about, everyone does it."

"The only thing is that a lot of that stuff contains viruses, so just watch clips that aren't the download type."


So she said i could watch porn, as long as you don't download it. :dots:


And she wasn't kidding, I asked her. But, I am still so embarrassed. I just want to die.

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