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Perfect Dark


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A good game, in my opinion.


My first time playing PD was on an emulator (Project64). Now, since emulation is never perfect, there were many bugs. It got so frustrating to the point where I got to the 5th mission and quit. I'm still trying to get maximum performance and fix the rest of the bugs.


But I still would like to give this game a chance. First off, if anyone knows a good fps config for Project64, please speak up. But what I'm really here for, is you, the HG community. What do you think about this game?


Someone mentioned it back in my PS1 vs. N64 thread, but no one has mentioned it since. I've heard mixed reviews, some good, really good, okay, bad, etc.

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This game is easily in my top 5 of all time. I'd even put it in my top 3 along with Resident Evil 2 and Twisted Metal 2. (My other top 5 would probably include WWF No Mercy(N64) and Oblivion.


I've yet to beat this game. I was still relatively young when this game was out and I just never was able to figure out how to beat the final boss. Since I've watched videos on how to finally finish the game, but I take solace in knowing that for once I wasn't able to finish something.


The bugs in the game were funny I thought, I always got a kick out of spraying an NPC with a fully automatic gun and watching their head jitter around like crazy. Oh and that alien... oh man....

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