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Sk3p - Disrespectful


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1. Abuser name: Sk3p

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:6718067

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 4:00PM Eastern - Today

5. PROOF: http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/re/sk3p.jpg


6. Please tell us about the incident: Sk3p is really abusive towards me and constantly calls me a fa**** and tells me im an asshole, Etc. He came in with the team [CrewSucks] and was always mean. and when i asked him to stop disrespecting, he claimed that he can disrespect me all he wants because im not an admin... Everyone who plays knows that disrespect is not tolerated so please review this. Thank you.



Edited by Crewcabanger
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I came in with the name {tEAM cREW sUCKS}, yes. After dealing with you, I got fed up a bit, I admit. However, calling you "fa****" and " asshole"? No. I'm not gonna stoop to your level and spam insults in chat.


Perhaps if you started acting in a manner such that 50% of the server doesn't HATE you and you DON'T get banned multiple times every week, these slanders will cease. But maybe that's too logical...


For the record, I've removed any derogatory language anywhere that is regarding Crewcabanger. I've moved on to just posting Demos and letting the staff sort it out.


Crew, you will not hear anything more from me on the sever. Just know that if you see me in the server, I"M MOST LIKELY DEMO'ING YOU.


That is all I have to say.


P.S. Nice coincidence that you post this an hour after I post your ban request...

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1. Abuser name: Sk3p

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:6718067

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 4:00PM Eastern - Today

5. PROOF: file:///C:/Users/Public/Games/World%20of%20Warcraft/Logs/sk3p.jpg


6. Please tell us about the incident: Sk3p is really abusive towards me and constantly calls me a fa**** and tells me im an asshole, Etc. He came in with the team [CrewSucks] and was always mean. and when i asked him to stop disrespecting, he claimed that he can disrespect me all he wants because im not an admin... Everyone who plays knows that disrespect is not tolerated so please review this. Thank you.




Welcome to the internet...


PROOF: file:///C:/Users/Public/Games/World%20of%20Warcraft/Logs/sk3p.jpg


That is not how you cite a picture from your computer(Considering we don't have remote access to your computer), and since we can't see your "proof" we can't act on your "proof". As for him being abusive towards you its really just a fact of life on the internet, you let it get to you and it will continue.

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