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Who smokes hookah?

The Camel

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its funny how people say weed is for idiots yet they drink alcohol. Either do research on something your going to fight against or atleast try it so you have a right to bash it.


I can see your thoughts.


You want some candy?


I smoke Tangiers shisha, basically everything that comes from them. I love it. I also love love looooooove Starbuzz's Blue Mist. Absolutely amazing. Then there is Fuzions Mixed fruits. That shit is the bomb.


What kind of coals do you guys use?

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Do you like to make pointless arguements?


i see nothing pointless in that argument, its true. Weed is used medicinally for aches, cramps, insomnia, nausea as well as many other things. The side effects are nowhere near as horrid as alcohol, yet even too much "weed" can have long term effects, just like any other drug that someone abuses (even alcohol). but yes there is no hangovers, headaches, or vomiting from it. I mean sure i guess you can buy street weed and it has a very high potential to be laced (which most are) which have some bad side effects, but imagine if it was actually legal and people could purchase government grown weed, that isn't laced.



also taxation from it would be an amazing boost to our economy IMO, especially if they put a descent tax on it like cigarettes if you really want to compromise.

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Well, first, I don't have all those crazy flavors. My parents get their shit from the neighborhood Arabic Store, therefore I use coal, and old school flavors. Meaning fruits ftw!


Well I get the crazy stuff when there's a big group of people for variety's sake. Other than that its just apple or watermelon for me. I've also considered making my own.

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