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Internet Sucks.....

The Camel

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Ok well, I have the shittiest internet in the world. Some people in Office may have heard me bitch about it lol. It barely supports me and my brother playing CSS. If my little sister hops on youtube to watch a Justin Bieber video, then I'm fucked and you can enjoy watching my ping climb into the 1000's. I asked my dad our speed, its .6 Mbps. He finally realized today that we need faster internet. He was skyping with his brother overseas and it was really laggy. So he finally realized....we need At&t U-Verse! Cause our cable got cut the other day as well cause Comcast's being a gay fa**** lol.


Point is my internet is shit right now it takes me 5 minutes to log onto forums for some reason. It's starting to slow down, I have no idea why. This started today, my dad's ordering U-Verse Monday. I can't even log onto Steam lol.



Around 2 hours ago, my internet started getting realllllly laggy. Like .1 Mbps laggy. I have no idea why, but I am thankful for it lol since we get to upgrade to 6 Mbps or 3 at least. My dad says At&t does that to make you upgrade or something. W.e


I might not be on for a day or 2. On steam at least. I'll stay on forums. =D

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Consider getting a router with QoS (Quality of Service)... QoS will generally allow you to control how much each bandwidth each computer gets (and in turn should help you with your ping but not allowing the YouTube stream to choke your connection)

Cisco (Linksys) and D-Link makes them with some degree of QoS. Generally, it is easy to configure.


http://www.dlink.ca/products/?pid=530 -- DIR655 (D-Link)



This is an example but yeah, that would be one way to go about it.

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