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HL2 movie?


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yeah this was on kotaku about a week ago, im glad that they're doing it on they're own, so they can make it they way its supposed to be, not they way hollywood wants it to be...


Hollywood wants it to be presented in a way that will make average uneducated people want to see it. Without them there is a very impaired money flow. Less money flow = crappier production values. Crappier production values(especially in an action movie) = not appealing to non computer geeks. Only appealing to a very small niche market = straight to dvd. Straight to dvd = bad.


HL on paper doesn't exactly have the story to drive a box-office film the same way it's portrayed in-game, so it's pretty safe to assume Valve isn't going to release some "for great justice", 100% accurate film if they want it to be any good. They have to meet halfway with Hollywood at some point.


I personally think they would be better off not making it. I've never desired a movie adaption of the game, and have never heard of anyone else that has until now. It isn't possible to make a movie that is as immersive as a good game, so they are better off not tarnishing HL's awesomeness with a lame, probably forgettable movie.

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well, bioshock is supposed to be turned into a movie, and i believe production is going on.

since it doesnt have much of a story line that you dont learn as you go, so trying to advertise it as a movie it has to have a basic story line to go off of, which if you reveal most of the game in itself, you reveal the ending and such.

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