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Help me get people to sign this petition


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they are trying to cut funding on rails to trails, plz sign this petition


read about it here



sign it here



The president of AAA Mid-Atlantic recently advocated for the elimination of existing federal dollars that help build bicycle and pedestrian trails and sidewalks. These funds have helped create more than 19,000 miles of trails, walking and bicycling facilities across the country likely including your favorite nearby trail.


AAA encourages its members to get outdoors and explore the country including by bicycle so why do they support cutting programs that help their members do precisely that?


On September 1, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy President Keith Laughlin sent a letter asking this question to AAA. Robert Darbelnet, president and CEO of AAA, was quick to respond yet he did not address our central concern.


AAA Mid-Atlantic suggests that an $89 billion annual highway fund shortfall can be blamed on investments in walking and bicycling. But those investments total less than $1 billion annually and produce tremendous benefits for everyone, including drivers.


The reality is that many bicyclists drive, support AAA, pay gas taxes and want balanced transportation systems that provide the choice to get around in a variety of ways for commuting or daily errands, or for fun and exercise.


If AAA's false ideas take root, Americas transportation future one where communities are more livable and people have safe and convenient choices for getting around is in jeopardy.


Help us show AAA that trail, walking and bicycling programs actually benefit everyone, very much including their own members!


and plz pass this on

Edited by SuperSkreech
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