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1. Abuser name: Zinthius

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:19913622

3. What server: JailBreak

4. About what time: A few times.

5. PROOF: He banned me.

6. Please tell us about the incident: He banned me a few days back for saying naggers. I posted the whole story in my unban report. But the main point is that I don't get why the word nagger would get me banned. Word like fag, fa****, queer, and other very offencive words are allowed in hellgamers servers and admins use words like that. And then i use the word naggers and get a ban and zinthius treatens to perm ban me when i try to ask for an explantion. Then he finaly give me an explantion saying it is a form of the n-word. Which it is not.


Here is a true definition of naggers: http://dictionary.reference.com/dic?q=naggers

Edited by Artillery
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123, I banned you Once for saying That word. I'd like to throw this unban request out there. "https://hellsgamers.com/threads/31896-unban-123" And. You can't call me Saying that i will screenshot you and you probably will be perm'd if not a while. ANYONE Can say this. It's not abuse.

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