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SSH Tunneling


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So yeah. The past two weeks i have been looking into some SSH tunnelling, for accessing my home network and etc.


But i have attempted and failed way to many times now.

As a last attempt, i shall make this post.


Could someone link me up with something? Or at least tell me about your experiences with SSH.


Thanks, Tommo

(btw, this is the best part of zee forum<3)

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I think what he's trying to do is to tunnel into his home network so he can access Steam and stuff (based on his previous threads).









You'll need a static IP or a service to create a dynamic name if you want to be able to create persistent connections to your home network. As well, ensure your computer has the opened ports for SSH.


Maybe these will help -_- ^^

Edited by enigma#
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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting SSH up and running can be difficult.


Here are some of the things you have to consider/get.


1) You need an SSH server.

1a) You need to configure the server properly.

2) You need a static IP OR a dynamic DNS (DDNS)

2a) You can get a free DDNS name at http://www.dyndns.com/

2b) You need a DDNS update client. DynDNS has their own, and it is also free.

3) You need to configure your router (if you have one) to forward the SSH port to your server... usually port 22

3a) If you don't have a router, and you are directly connected to the internet, you need to consider security of your server... you will need to (At least) get a software firewall like ZoneAlarm.

4) The server you are forwarding port 22 should have a static private IP address.

5) You need an SSH client. I recommend Putty. You can find it here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

6) You need to configure Putty properly.


1-6 will give you command line access to your ssh server/computer and thus your entire network.


If you want to use Remote Desktop, or VNC or something like that, you will need to further configure Putty.

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