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-hg- SnipeAway {Team-UNBAN-BON} --- STEAM_0:0:31866629


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1. Abuser name: -hg- SnipeAway {Team-UNBAN-BON}

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:31866629

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 7:40 PM EST -5





6. Please tell us about the incident: I was in the server about 5 minutes, talking in chat to the players, etc. Visibly showing my Admin presence in the server at the time. The round started as I was a CT. SnipeAway clearly broke the rules by jumping around and flying when the lead CT specifiably stated "No Flying or Jumping."


At this point, I kill him.


He then slays me, and team switches me knowing I'm an admin (clearly stated earlier on). About 3 admins then proceed to confront him, telling him to explain himself etc. He doesn't say a word and shortly. disconnects.


"Player -hg- SnipeAway {Team-UNBAN-BON} disconnected SteamID STEAM_0:0:31866629 Reason: Disconnect by user."

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I was there, and i am not saying that this is wrong obviously it is, i am not against the fact but if a Admin does free kill it does not meen you can just go with it, you should kill yourself.

There are admins that do that, but still this is wrong and i am on your side but all i want to say is, if a Admin freekills the 15$ a month does not meen you get freekills.

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lmao dude, u clearly Fk'ed me which gave me full reasoning to do what i did,i did not know u were admin so this thread is completely unnecesary everyones human we all make mistakes, and + u did not state that i "Knew u were an admin" so dont go around spreading false stuff. Honestly dude i remember explaining to you what happened and why i slayed and teamswitched you, Just because your admin, Does Not mean u can think ur all tuff regardless because if i didnt slay you you would have just continued playing, which is completely in the rong on your part.

Edited by SnipeAway
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I was here for this, I don't remember it being a free kill at all. I do remember asking snipe why he did that to an admin since the rules state we can't use admins on other admins, and he had no reply what so ever.

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I was here for this, I don't remember it being a free kill at all. I do remember asking snipe why he did that to an admin since the rules state we can't use admins on other admins, and he had no reply what so ever.


This is correct, no reply was given. EVEN if it was debated it was a freekill, you didn't check status or ask for any info. You automatically slayed and team switched me. Which is AGAINST the rules to do so. Just because you, pay $15 a month doesn't give you the right to slay and teamswitch with the snap of your fingers when a community player kills you. I explained the reason for the kill afterwards too.

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Admins should not use powers on other admins, unless it's an emergency (i.e. - they are mass slaying/kicking/etc).


I just got a little dumber reading all this shit (especially from reading the post of the person who can't spellcheck basic words).


Let me put this in big ol' letters for you:


Admins should not use powers on other admins, unless it's an emergency (i.e. - they are mass slaying/kicking/etc). Admins found having trouble with this rule will not be admins for much longer. If you feel an admin is abusing their power/status, report it. Do NOT take matters into your own hands.


Do I make myself clear?


Lampedit: sm_who is your friend. As far as I know, all admins should have it. Use it.

Edited by I Love Lamp
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