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World Community Grid - Team HellsGamers


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What is World Community Grid?

World Community Grid's mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Our work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.


But I'm just a lowly gamer, how can I help?

Donate the time your computer is turned on, but is idle, to projects that benefit humanity! We provide the secure software that does it all for free, and you become part of a community that is helping to change the world. Once you install the software, you will be participating in World Community Grid. No other action must be taken; it's that simple!


I've realized that quite a few of us are guilty of leaving our computers on while we're away. We might as well put those unused cpu cycles to use and help others. I've created Team HellsGamers for this community. I ask that you follow the directions below and help out.


First, click HERE to register and automatically be placed in Team HellsGamers

Then, click HERE to download the software to run the program


That's it! You can adjust how much processing power and memory it uses, also when it will run. Be sure and add the World Community Grid to your project list and log in with the info you registered with.




To mods/staff:

If this is not allowed, please let me know. I would also be willing to pass on the team captain role to a Staff Member if necessary.

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