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My CS:S problems.

Linoleum Knive

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So I am turning to you guys for ideas. I was playing in the Dust 2 event last night, and I lagged out, so I disconnected, tried to reconnect, and my HL2.exe crashed. One day later, I cannot connect to any server. It gets to the final part about sending client info, freezes, reverts to desktop and tells me HL2.exe has crashed.


I have tried verifying files, defragging them, uninstalling everything (including a steam uninstall, AND deleting the CS:S folder from my hard drive) and reinstalling it from scratch, and running it in compatiabiliy mode.


Any other ideas I havent tried?

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<_< You can always try what they've said.


A common possibility is that there is something conflicting (be it drivers or an AV program) with Steam. Have you tried installing it into another DIR?

E.g. C:\Steam instead of C:\Program Files\Steam


Second, the drivers... are they up to date?


Another way to go about this (more technical -_-) is get to your Event Viewer and find the instance HL2 crashed and post the bugcheck here. If you're with Windows Vista or Windows 7, type "Event Viewer" in your search bar after clicking the Windows key. Afterwards, expand "Windows Logs"... Find Application and find the one that matches either Steam.exe or HL2.exe (it may be in System as well). Post the contents of the log entry here and maybe it'll give us more insight into the problem.


Other than that, I can't really think of anything else, I'll go digging for some goodies later tonight. >_<


Oh yeah, Try emailing Steam Support. They *might* be of help.

Edited by enigma#
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