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This is horsehit i need to speak with a respectable admin asap.


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i have a few problems here. first of all. im tlisted on your jailbreak server but its been over a week and ive read the motd 6 times i got it down i just made a mistake it was the day when the server had a shit ton of buffer lag so my gun kept going off. butt i also have a problem with the lack of admins actively playing on the server to monitor the rules. i am playing on their right now and the cts are failing hardcore and fking like its their jobs i just want someone whos gonna tell them to follow the rules or get the fuck out cuz it is a great game as long as everyone plays right. thank you.

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Your id STEAM_0:1:22874715 that is on your profile is not t-listed. And its 9:30am Monday morning, people have lives, you really expect an admin to be on 24/7?

If you have any other real concerns, ones that are well thought out, feel free to post them.

We have a tlist for a reason, if someone is freekilling, post a report and they will be added to the list.


Edit: The steamid you are on the server with now "STEAM_0:1:22376804" is not on the tlist either.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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