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So...here's the way I look at it.


If the sun dies in say, five billion years and Andromeda is due to collide with the Milky Way in roughly three billion...that would be our time window of survival.


One thing to wonder is if we can acquire a self-sustaining ability in technology including continuous sun imitation, oxygen production and food/resource reproduction to travel long distances in space.


Another thing to wonder is, if we can safely travel to another Earth-like planet within the window of time without any life threatening obstacles in the way, such as criminal activity, system failures or natural-born space objects.


What about habitation? How can we be assured as a population that another Earth-like planet won't have deadly bacteria that our immune systems can't handle? Or creatures that would outsize us and are predators? Would we have to live even further in man-made objects to survive?


And what if the planet we put our faith into suddenly crossed the path of a catastrophic asteroid/comet? Where would we go from there if no other Earth-like planets existed within 3 billion light years? That would mean we would only be traveling towards our end as an amazing inter-galactic collision.


Even if we were to survive the crusade of Andromeda, perhaps, just maybe we still have a chance...and that's what life is about.



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You left out the part of other alien races not looking kindly on us sneaking through their turf. Any earthlike systems are likely to be highly contested, unless terraforming technology comes to play. However, the terraforming process takes time and is very delicate.


If there IS aliens out there, there must be some kind of galactic alliance. There may be a law to not interfere with underdeveloped planets but again...it's 50/50 chance the aliens we encounter are friendly. Even if they did accept our refuge, I'm sure there would be a group of aliens against it with hostile plans to rid us of their planet.


While being a Human Secularist, I highly believe that all religion was based off visits from other beings...they taught us the ways how to truly survive and not implode as a society.


Below are original biblical art untouched.







More can be seen at: http://www.alien-ufo-pictures.com/ancient_aliens.html



It would only be acceptable for humans to see aliens as Gods and therefore write metaphors on their experience.

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If there IS aliens out there

Believe me, Android Penguins don't occur naturally on earth... >_<


I don't know much about the most of the surrounding galaxies or this one, but I would think it safe to assume that some sort of alien intelligence exists nearby or in this galaxy. In my experience it is a real dice roll with the legal systems and very presence of alien alliances in a galaxy. The Comet Galaxy for one, has a very hostile alliance (fucking malformed insects shot at ma ship).

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Which brings me to my theory of how UFO's have the ability to levitate and move within 360 degrees:


--- A1

o B

--- A2


A represents billions of super magnets noncomprehending to the human mind.

B represents a mega nuclear reactor or multiple ones (no energy is stronger than two atoms splitting)


Now, if you were able to use nuclear energy to output in a magnetic form, you could possibly manipulate other atoms. If A1 was negative and A2 was positive, this would generate upwards thrust. If coordination of the billions of magnets were at hand, you can do half of A1 positive and other negative with the opposite being A2. That would create diagonal thrust. Left side of both A1 & A2 positive and right negative, that would be horizontal.


Reports of the two halves spinning in opposite directions could mean this was taking place...the core reactor supercharging the magnets evenly with its designated operations.


This force could be tremendous, explaining how UFO's go so fast or maybe even it's ability to literally jump through wormholes creating it's own shell of extreme magnetic pressure. (Think of how pressure works for submarines, same thing applies here)

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Hopefully we can harvest nuclear technology and output solar energy from it.


But nuclear energy IS sun energy packaged differently... if I can put it that way. The element Uranium, and every other heavy element come from the core of a star/sun upon its death/explosion. Only stars/suns produce heavy elements.


To get the energy equivalent of a sun, you need a sun, and if you have one, you don't need to imitate one. If don't have a sun to give you the energy you need to imitate a sun, you won't be able to imitate one.


As the saying goes, you can't something from nothing.

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But nuclear energy IS sun energy packaged differently... if I can put it that way. The element Uranium, and every other heavy element come from the core of a star/sun upon its death/explosion. Only stars/suns produce heavy elements.


To get the energy equivalent of a sun, you need a sun, and if you have one, you don't need to imitate one. If don't have a sun to give you the energy you need to imitate a sun, you won't be able to imitate one.


As the saying goes, you can't something from nothing.


The sun itself is a giant nuclear reactor. There's only .05-7% of every element in the sun, besides oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The main reactor is helium and hydrogen within the massive force of gravity which splits atoms upon collision. Having nuclear energy allows you to charge up high amounts of dense sodium which in itself produces a nice red/orange glow that's broad enough on the spectrum to keep plants living and flowering.

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