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Medal of Honor


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I only played the open beta, but I doubt they've changed anything aside from bug fixes and maybe another map or two. The physics in the game are nonexistent, even though it has the same engine as BFBC2. The guns have absolutely no recoil, which takes getting used to. Last I played, anyone with sniper leveled to semi-auto sniper would rape absolutely everything.


Overall, the game was fun, but not so fun that it justifies an extra $10 for less content.


Just my $1.337 cents

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Thanks for the feedback. I have the game now (pre-order) but i can return it for a full money back refund, if unopened, so I'll wait for some more responses and reviews. Is the online play enjoyable? Bob the android claims it isn't but it seems relatively interesting.

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Well..... My dumb ass decided to open the damn game and play the fail that spins among that disc. Not only was my wi-fi signal dropped (by the game, not the xbox) several times, but multiplayer looks like TF2. The guns look like there made out of clay and the maps are unbearably small. This game is causing to me to become skeptical on whether or not Battlefield 3 will be any good. So much for getting my money back.




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Singleplayer is amazing!!! Storyline (short) and gameplay are all fantastic. I ran into a couple of bugs though. But, Multiplayer is not worth it. Seems like DICE hurried through it and didn't put any thought into it. The engine is based on BF:BC2 MP as well.

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