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Hey J-Joy, I'd love some honest c/c.


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Haha there's a door in there as well D:

Any suggestions on how to do that? Just use a longer focal length next time?


Just move yourself until you are hidden ..cause before you take the photo ..you can see what it looks like before you click the shutter ..


if you would have crouched down alittle farther ..the whole black space would just look like a decent placed shadow. :)


but i LOOOVE how it doesn't look photoshopped. ;) I LOOOVE how it looks natural ..not over shopped ..great job

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Just move yourself until you are hidden ..cause before you take the photo ..you can see what it looks like before you click the shutter ..


if you would have crouched down alittle farther ..the whole black space would just look like a decent placed shadow. :)


but i LOOOVE how it doesn't look photoshopped. ;) I LOOOVE how it looks natural ..not over shopped ..great job


I actually experimented with trying to light the bulb with a hooked up 9 volt but that didn't turn out so hot.... so photoshop it was. Thanks again, I was afraid my darks and lights were getting muddled!

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