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Breaks, Sprains, Concussions, etc


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Talk about whatca done.


Idk really what's my worst but tonight I sprained my wrist again for the 8th time playing football.

I've broke this wrist 3 times now.

gl fappin

I've sprained my right ankle 12 times and broke it once.


I've broken all my fingers and toes and my middle finger and index finger 3 times each. my right middle finger 5 times because i keep stubbing it when I'm trying to block. ):


I've had 9 concussions.. first one when I was 3 get@me I ran off bleachers at my brothers basketball game and I didn't wake up for 3 days. mom bout shit her pants when she turned around and saw me run off the side..


I've had a compound fracture in my right arm.


I shattered my growth plate in my left wrist.


I've popped both my shoulders out 4 times. which is maybe one of the worst things ever.


and I popped my right hip out twice.


I've got the wind knocked out of me probably over 150 times..


I've had like 4 surgeries inside my mouth for teeth getting moved or my jaw. i fucking hate when my cheeks get swollen from the Novocaine get made fun of. ):


nothing with my neck or my femur and I'm so happy. my Knee's are fine too. and my legs.


how about you guys?


oh and does anyone know how to keep calf cramps down? I eat bananas all the time thats what the doctor told me to do because of the potassium in them. but i get them a lot swimming and i panic because i think im gonna drown. my friend just laughed when i got one in the pool until he noticed i wasn't faking it. fucking dickhole.



inb4 quit football or you're a fucking retard or tl;dr and nt sia so dont say it ill eat your babies.

Edited by Sia_^
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Me and my friends like to fuck around, we didn't really play sports or anything. Instead, we would always like to get together, take a walk down the railroad tracks up to the drug store, get a couple iced teas, and walk all the way back. Well, sometimes we used totake short cuts through this forest on the way there. My buddy smacked a stick on a tree, the stick cracked in half, and one half came flying at me


Woke up a minute or 2 later >.> It knocked me unconscious and fucked up my face for a good 3 weeks

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hmmm lets see...I dont have a long list but good enough for me. No more injuries I hate going to the hospital where I know everyone in the ER.



Ok let's start with recent...


A couple of months ago I was was going to light the gas BBQ and it flared up and singed my hair but in the meanwhile my left forearm got caught in the flare up and burned me from my elbow to my wrist in 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Had to go to the ER (I drove myself) cause it was painful as hell after 30 mins in ice cold water. Thankfully I got pain meds.


Last year I decided to cut an avocado with a very sharp knife and stupidly I was trying to get the pit out of the thing with the knife and I was holding the avocado with the other hand. I ended up going right through the avocado and slicing my left ring finger at the knuckle to the bone and was bleeding profusely all over the place. Had to go to the ER (my mom drove me that time) and get 5 stitches.


Got into a few car accidents in the past with concussions, scrapes, cuts, and loads of bruises.


I was in the military and broke my right hip. Had to get an ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) and was in a wheel chair, crutches, and cane for a while till I learned how to walk again since they took their sweet time in fixing me. Loads of pain meds, muscle relaxers, you name it I had taken it. Oh and physical therapy every day except for weekends.


Got hit by a car once. Came out of that one fine...just a scrape or two.


Broke a few knuckles and fingers.


That's it for now or from what I could remember.




Oh and Sia you need to be wrapped in bubble wrap...quit getting hurt! Damn!

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I've had such an uneventful life compared to you all. I have yet to break a single bone in my body, even though I have very eventful weekends (basketball, baseball, street hockey, mountain biking). My worst injuries have come from mountain biking. I have eaten shit so many times on the tough trails, yet the worst of it was a giant gash down my leg. Just last week I pinched a nerve and my right thumb has been numb ever since.

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I am willing to take this chance.






and my first concussion when I was 3 kept me out for 3 days. :/


Pwned do you get leg cramps? or anyone? I get them soo bad and I can't get them to go down. need halp ):





ps: no one else has shattered a growth plate?

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and my first concussion when I was 3 kept me out for 3 days. :/


Pwned do you get leg cramps? or anyone? I get them soo bad and I can't get them to go down. need halp ):





ps: no one else has shattered a growth plate?


no probably not but I've worked with several patients with a shattered growth plates before. How did you do that?! That's really hard to do.

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I played hockey mostly in highschool. I was the best goalie ever hence the name Stonewall. I have broken my hands maybe three times each. Mostly from punching other players that pissed me off. I have had my ribs cracked several times in wrestling matches. I have broken my ankle and my wrist doing stupid shit with friends. Nothing too major I guess. Guess I am kinda lucky.

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Broke my arm when the fat kid ran into me playing basketball, also hit the back of my head on the court when I fell backwards.


Split the cuticle on my left big toe twice.


Cut the bottom of my foot on a treadmill (had it on full speed barefoot, <3 <3)


Cut my leg open @ work in July, picture below. Required 8 stitches.


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Nail through my foot (completely through)

Fractured foot

Sprained ankle

Severely bruised shin

Shifted kneecap (can't remember the proper name for it)

disjointed hip

Broken wrist

Road rashed left forearm (currently have a permanent scar covering my entire left forearm, all nerve endings gone, can only feel pain D: )

permanently fucked up shoulder

more blows to the head than I can count

and I set my hair on fire once


That's what I can remember, purely injury-wise.

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