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Matt8009 using exploits - TF2 general problem as well(?)


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1. Name: Matt8009

2. Steam Id: 0:0:28950628

3. Server: TF2 Pipeline 5:02PM CST

4. Reason: Multiple Sentry exploit

5. Proof: Attached demo

6. Comments: (In fairness, Matt did change classes after the round.)

Remix pointed this out yesterday and I can't get ahold of him to see if it's the same guy or not. I'm not sure if Matt was doing this yesterday too, or if this is another kid using the same exploit, I'd need to talk to Remix before confirming that. (Enigma would/might know since Remix reported this exploit to him yesterday.)


Just wanted to throw this up more as a proof of exploit, again, I'm not sure if this was the same guy as yesterday.

engy.demFetching info...

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Thanks for the report.


At the time of the report we didn't have a set punishment for this type of exploiting, however for future reference please refer to this thread for more information. https://hellsgamers.com/threads/33167-Exploiting-in-our-TF2-Servers


From this point forward any further reports of this type of exploit(with sufficient proof showing it in action of course), will result in a 1 week ban from the server.

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