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Screen shots (Jailbreak)

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Just a couple of screen shots I took while Playing.


http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/9092/storingmym4.jpg <--- Storing m4 for later.


http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/3580/thetsharpeningknifes.jpg <--- How long till he gets shot for storing knifes up his ass. WAIT HOW DID THEY GET UP THERE!!! Finally he dies.


http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/8941/lazydocischillin.jpg <--- Jailbreak Doctor taking a break.


http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/3741/paintinginfermy.jpg <--- Horrible Paint Job


http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/7940/isthataantholyshit.jpg <--- Holy shit was that a ant!!


http://img253.imageshack.us/img253/2766/fistingomgithugeandpain.jpg <--- Ct gets fisted O...M...G... Paybacks a bitch! :pwned:

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You mean double post?

Cool Screens,

Im in the second one.


Yep second picuture is Teh crapping out knifes, Till he got killed for failing orders :thumb:


Yea he's in JJK. Not literally, but he's in the room JJK.


And it was a simple day it was a pain to get him from the room of JJK to Infermy and set up to relax Lucky me we had alot of Lr Time.


Also I thought it be funny to have doctor JJK covered in blood showing that T's and Ct's go to him for healing after a wooping. :pepper:

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