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DarkRP Admin Suggestions


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Ok well I've been noticing some issues with paid admin that I think should be addressed.


1. Paid admins can perma ban (through console) but can't unban? I say we leave the perma banning to Respected and give paid admins unbanning ability. BUT to make sure the whole ban list isn't unbanned, we should make it so that players can only unban players that have been banned by them. Meaning I can't unban anyone Vee's banned or Ploot's banned or Mark's banned etc.

2. Paid admins can't gag. Isn't gagging a better thing to do than kick someone for micspam? Like say some asshole thinks it's funny to spam HLDJ. So they just get kicked and later get banned if they continue. It would just be better to gag someone for 10 minutes so they dont spam again and after that if they still do it then move on to the kick then ban.

3. Last I heard, respected can mute but can't unmute and they can freeze but they can't unfreeze. Just wanted to know if that's fixed or not.

4. Also there needs to be a way admins can see who killed who through console or a menu. I'm just tired of people screaming "OMFG THAT WUZ LIEK SO RDM!!!!11!one!!1" and won't even give a name.

5. As well, paid admins should be able to delete props. Or at least world props. For instance, someone propblocks so you kick them and they just come back and won't remove it so you ban them. Wouldn't it be better to just kick and remove the prop so as to avoid a needless ban? And seriously, people need to stop pocketing world props and killing them selves inside people's bases. That shit gets annoying.

6. The cook job is honestly pointless without hungermod. We need to either reinstall it or omit it and replace it with DJ.

7. The thief job should also be split so they only have a lock pick and add a job called "Hacker" with Kleiner's model that has the keypad cracker. This way the thiefs aren't overpowered and have to work together to break in.


Sorry for the rant but these are just things I think will help the server. Also I realize the last two don't have to do with admin, but they are just suggestions

I thought I'd just throw in.


Thanks guys for reading this as I did put some thought into this.

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