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"-hg- Wicked Sniper" STEAM_0:0:29343894


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1. Abuser name: -hg- Wicked Sniper

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:29343894

3. What server: Gmod rp server

4. About what time:3:41 am

5. PROOF: Proof that i owned the place: http://img189.imageshack.us/f/propblock.png/

Proof that he messed with my place: http://img706.imageshack.us/f/propblock2.png/

6. Please tell us about the incident: He tried to lock pick my door and i killed him, he then came back and killed me, he was camping inside my house and claimed it was because he was bored, i was fine with it since it didn't look like he was breaking any rules, but when i left him there he built a door inside my house so i couldn't do anything about it even after he left.

Edited by Cr(+)sshair
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First of all, It's a door so it's not a prop block. Secound, I didn't "Fuck with your shit" I was in there with your money printer and was nice enough not to take a dime, I left it all for you. Third of all im not a admin so why come to the Abuse forum? Like i told to you In_game, Im a thief i can break into your home. Consider yourself lucky that it was me and not someone else, Beacuse anyone else would of actually Taken your stuff. Of too all the admins that will see this post, If i can't put a door in a doorwat please let me know, I've been playing this game for about 2-3days xD

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Yeah...no dude, where do i even begin? I can barley read what you posted, and why are you quoting me on "fucked with my shit" when did i ever say that? I posted on the wrong forum because i never had to do this before so i was unsure as where to post it, and sure you are a thief, but tell me a story in which the thief comes into someones house and builds a door inside that house? And the motd clearley states to not mess with other players houses, if you didn't do that then what did you do?

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If i remember correctly That's how you said it to me in-game. So im quoting you. And i apologise for the slopply Posts, It's 4:08 and i don't really care about how my typing/spelling is. My door is not Really "inside" your house. More like in front of it. But like i said, Im a fairly new player. Been playing 2-3 Day's. New players are going to make mistakes, If this is a mistake im still unsure. But after i was talking to you in-game about it you came to our website, to the admin abuse section, Tell me what do you hope to accomplish? I tried to talk to you like a adult in-game but instead you came to the forums(Wrong forum) And post about a honest Newplayer mistake?

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And in my first post i was telling you that you had money printers inside of your house. I took 0$ from you and left all the money in your house for you. I broke into your home purely beacuse i was bored and had no desire to take your hard earned money. And i was also trying to ask you why you would come to this forum when im not a admin and im not abusing admin powers?-Again sorry for the sloppy first post im half asleep xD

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I find it funny that your best argument in this is that i posted on the wrong forum...You door was clearly inside my house in both screen shots as well, and honestly, i don't care that you didn't take my money, thats besides the point, what i do care about though is that you keep saying you're new, did you even bother to read the rules when you joined the server then? That might help.

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It isn't prop blocking if it is a door. You could have gotten another thief or cop to open that door.(Only applys to thief's)


Prop blocking = Placing a prop in front of something, making it inaccessible to anyone.

Edited by Soccercrazy
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