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Conflicker C


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Anyone else heard of this virus? After doing some research I found out that computers have already been infected with the worm. It is "supposed" to become active on April 1st,2009. There is a hole in the Microsoft operating system that has been fixed back in November to prevent this virus from happening. If your computer isn't up to date with Microsoft's updates you can be getting this virus.



This can just be a huge April fools joke, but better be safe then sorry.




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yeah heard about it. not sure what to make of it. the worst it'll do is bruteforce 6 million computers O_o or ddos the poop out of big companies.


Yeah, it better fucking do somthing horrible.

Otherwise it was a waste of time.


But it sure is an intelligent virus, this is the future right here.

Wait until they learn how to shutdown power grids.

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Also, a worm can't force itself on your computer. If you browse the internet safely and aren't a gigantic retard, you should be safe. If you really think your shit gonna be whack, download this firefox addon for additional safety: Noscript. If you get a virus while browsing the Internet with this on, you are honestly completely hopeless.


EDIT: So I just read that article and this thing is honestly a giant hoax. I can taste it.

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As you can tell Vandium is the creator of the virus..You ask how do I know? He is always on teh so called css mapmaker and i truely believe he is trying to take over the world. He has told me about his pinky and the brain fetish and how his bedroom is dercorated with their merchandise...HE EVEN HAS THE BEDSHEETS!

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There was a big shared services email that went out here which pretty much boiled down to "don't be a douche bag on the web". Keep your virus definitions up to date, run your security updates and surf intelligently. Lamp is exactly right - I use noscript if I'm going anywhere I would consider questionable. If I were even more paranoid, I use a virtual machine for that :P

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Guest Crothers
Halp! I has been taken hostage! The worm is here! I'm typing to you using my keyboard wired to an internet line with aluminum foil. The only way to save yourself is to go to http://www.quantum-servers.com and buy a server. The security installation that comes with it will protect your computer. Halp! I'm losing connec...

Someone just got a raise.

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^^True true


I tried to remove it yesterday using tv. It might be more "contained" now but its still recreating .exe lies in system32. MalwareBytes won't find the root virus causing the problem. I thought I found it yesterday but it came back and I had to go. The registry files it needs to delete on reboot always fail b/c reboots do not work O_o. Then when going back to last known configuration nidle.exe and etc are back. I thought about HijackThis but Girl would prolly delete stuff that is legit as well :-x ;) Maybe dl hijackthis and post a log

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